I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Why Support this Covfefe Operations thing?

Why Support this Covfefe Operations thing?

Covfefe Operations + Intelligence originally came into existence for an operation dealing with the BC medical mafia. We've run several smaller ops since then, but our present concern is the huge and unprecedented scam run by a network of rogue government actors.

We term these actors —government and non-government alike— as players, for life is a grand game of competing machinations (dramas) vying to define the very nature of the air we breathe.
Since the very beginning, the COVID-19 pandemic has pitted person against person, especially with the popularization of the paradoxical term "invisible enemy" being utilized by a variety of players. We can begin to look at each other as a delivery system of the "invisible enemy," and suspecting the worst of  others.

It doesn't help that the critical thinking mindset is beset by the burden of constantly perceiving that any given action MIGHT affect our own interests. With the ability to discern evil in government, comes the tendency to perceive the actions of our fellow man as potentially being malicious. With great insight, comes great insight. What if?

So, these sites were born out of an apparent need to amplify and repeat crucial information. We need to counter the Operation Mockingbird media institution that has quite literally extorted the mainstream media to act as fluffers for our polka-dotta cuban princess and his second-in-command handler.
The PMO owns the media in Canada, and has used the COVID-19 "business bailout" to implement state ownership of private businesses.

In this writer's mind, the site you're at evidently does NOT serve your needs, because I can count on one hand how much feedback we've received. That is disheartening.
So, honestly, don't donate until we provide you with some actionable intel, something that will help you  or your business to overcome the hurdles set-up by the deep state. But, would you PLEASE give me some feedback? Is that really too much to ask?


Anonymous (not verified), Wed, 02/03/2021 - 15:01
THANK YOU . I have been putting signs at the end of our driveway since March when this FREAK SHOW started. Thank gosh there are REAL MEN left in this world. (I was worried there were none left when my Dad died...).
Anonymous (not verified), Sun, 05/23/2021 - 20:49
While visiting greatgameindia I made a few clicks and somehow (fortuitously) came across a link to a piece on your site. I'm in TO and applaud the content and your efforts for it takes a lot, I know. Keep on trucking!
Anonymous (not verified), Thu, 08/26/2021 - 20:25
amid this rapid global plunge into the abyss of totalitarianism, its nice to see that at least a few are not licking the sweet and savory bullshit from the jack boots of the gestapo, im not sure if im more disgusted by the fact of it? or all the people begging for it with such zealous dogmatic fanaticism, that Hitler himself would be hospitalized with fatal priapism. websites like this restore at least a little faith in humanity.
Anonymous (not verified), Sun, 12/26/2021 - 06:08
I live in Toronto, ON and my love for investigation leads me to deep research. I just came across your website today, soaking all the intel up as much as I can. Thank you for providing RAW and uncensored intel delivered with spine and courage. I'm currently surrounded by compliant sheeples who believes in the GOV and Mainstream News. They called me crazy and uses the same rhetoric that the mainstream news echo.

I'd Love to connect with like-minded group of people like you to have discussions concerning our health and freedom. I'm gravely concerned about the predicament we're all in, but also grateful - knowing there are critical thinkers nearby where I live.