I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » CANImmunize Inc

CANImmunize Inc

Dr Kumanan Wilson is a Registered Canadian Resident living at 490 Golden Avenue, Ottawa ON K2A 2E5, Canada. It is alleged that he is married to Kim BarnhardtSenior Strategist, Communications and Partnerships, CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). He disclosed this connection when they published, at her behest, his paper on Implementing digital passports for SARS-CoV-2 immunization in Canada. Did he also disclose that she is employed by CANImmunize?

However, it is reported that he did not disclose the fact that he has received funding from He has received financial support from multiple organizations including the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the World Health Organization (WHO), The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Canada’s Immunity Task Force.

On or about December 19th, 2018 he incorporated CANImmunize Inc., and he filed his first annual report on or about December 19th, 2019. However, due to the Coronavirus plandemic, he has not yet filed his annual report for 2020. He's not THAT far behind, just shy of 4-months.
No biggie, and nothing to warrant an audit.

However, what does look questionable is the fact that his wife, Kim Bernhardt, has published his paper encouraging the government of Canada to tag and track its residents like livestock. And she has done so without disclosing the paper author's direct connection to the likes of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization, which is fully owned and operated by the Communist Party of China.

Nothing to see here though, right?

CANImmunize Inc.

  • Incorporator: Kumanan Wilson
  • Board of Directors:
    1. Kumanan Wilson



On December 19, 2018 Dr Kumanan Wilson incorporated CANImmunize Inc. with a registered office of:

  • 1 Calvert Street,
    Ottawa ON K2G 1M3

 pursuant his articles as follows:

    At least one (1) director, but no more than ten (10) with no restrictions on the business the corporation may carry on.
    The Corporation is authorized to issue unlimited shares of each class, A, B, C. These will be explored further down the article.
    Dr K. Wilson filed his first and presumably only (because, COVID of course) annual return on or about December 19th, 2019, but as of April 10th, 2021 there is no record of his having done his requisite annual filing for 2020.
    For the purposes of communicating with Dr Kumanan Wilson or his wife Kim Barnhardt, please direct any mail/inquiries to his registered cellular device at 613-878-7238, their shared phone at 613-728-4837, or even contact him via post at:
    490 Golden Avenue, Ottawa ON
    K2A 2E5, Canada

Peace be with you, patriots.


CANImmunize Inc.

  • Incorporator: Kumanan Wilson (married to Kim Barnhardt)
  • Board of Directors:
    1. Kumanan Wilson



On December 19, 2018 Dr Kumanan Wilson incorporated CANImmunize Inc. with a employees listing including, pursuant his website as follows:

  • Chief Executive Officer
    • Dr. Kumanan Wilson, MD, MSc, FRCP(C)
    • An internal medicine physician, scientist and expert in digital health, Dr. Wilson is an internationally, widely published expert in public health and immunization and the founder of the CANImmunize project.  Currently funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization Dr. Wilson’s vision is to use technology to solve public health problems.
  • Chief Operating Officer
    • Katherine Atkinson, BSc, PhD (cand).
    • Katherine has worked with the CANmmunize project since its inception.  A passionate believer in the power of digital technology Katherine is a published expert in mobile technology and immunization. Katherine is currently a PhD candidate at Karolinska Institutet where she is learning how to improve immunization systems with digital technology.
  • Chief Technology Officer
    • Cameron Bell, B.Eng.
    • Cameron is responsible for developing the original versions of CANImmunize (ImmunizeON/ImmunizeCA) and has been the architect of the project ever since. Cameron is a leading expert in immunization systems and built the Canadian Vaccine Catalogue.
  • Software Engineer
    • Jordan Gignac
  • Lead, CANImmunize Labs
    • Taylor Rubens, MPH
  • Software Developer
    • Rayhan Moidu
  • In-House Counsel & Privacy Officer
    • Pascal Thibeault
  • Quality Assurance Analyst
    • Marlene Elliott
  • Software Engineer
    • Margo Collins
  • Software Developer
    • David Gao
  • Full Stack Developer
    • Esteban Romo
  • Communications Advisor


The saga continues...


Anonymous (not verified), Sun, 02/06/2022 - 18:45
That Pesky Dr.Wilson ..... He moved on head office to be precise he moved it from 1 Calvert St where the corporation was initially established. I got some great photos of that place. Of course now it seems to have been sublet Twitter and Co I believe they're called Vision Data ...https://www.bizapedia.com/canada/vision-data-intelligence-inc.html - KW was listed as a director but I don't see his name there beside his good buddy Steve. He must be too busy with advising the governments double dipping publishing creepy books for children to terrify them into submission and of course there's overseeing all of those research studies that he's getting billions of dollars for. I got a nice size file on these wannabes )Can't forget the Atkinsons). I accidentally took screenshots when they rushed to release an app that probably took a day too customize from a template. I misspoke (double dip is 2 dips) they are way beyond that (my NS gov paid them as well;) so beyond the first couple dips - two enormous federal grants that the Ottawa hospital received immunizeCan and beyond provincial and private sector contributions ......There is another "key stakeholder"..... one who feeds from the sludge that forms at the bottom of sewer drains after a flood. That entity inhabits those sewers that has tunnels that have concealed the supply chain that moves "products" and provides "services" rendered for the perverse demands of those who thought they were in charge..... who thought they were special. I am sure you know the gate keepers that I speak of but I would like to make sure it is known by your group before I write it here. I have been in seclusion and not listened to anything until now when I got the message to prepare for movement and to ready the remote ready rooms. SOMETHING NEEDS TO HAPPEN NOW NOW NOW NOW .........; they are going to do it to the T.C. any moment now & people could get very hurt and the masses may press snooze if the rebels get pointed at in the sorry excuse for these idiots called the blame game. I want to help and have some things that are really behind the scenes ready to start rolling out. A few carpenters and some help getting a garden in would be welcomed if there is anyone who needs to regroup down east.