I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Kumar and Kimberlina vs Chad

Kumar and Kimberlina vs Chad

So, today I was informed by our hosting provider that they had received notification of a "Take that off the god damn Internet!" from Counsel for our friendly morons Kumar and Kimberlina for my outting their fraudulent shilling.
Apparently, rather than serving myself with a Cease & Desist, Notice of Claim, or a Notice of Application, the ignorant lawyer (Matilda Lici, a fully credulous douche-for-counsel with Shirley Righton LLP) retained by lovebirds Dr. Kumanan Wilson and Ms. Kim Barnhardt chose to commit an actionable tort with the dumb as bricks attempt to bully my hosting provider into breaching contract. Is that Tortious Interference, or is it just being a stupid dumbass?

We are lawyers for Dr. Kumanan Wilson and Ms. Kim Barnhardt.

We are writing to you in your capacity as web host of the following websites (including mirror sites) created and operated by Chad W. Testes under the pen name "Covfefe Killbox" or "Government of Ontario Piracy Assoc."

Mr. Testes has devoted an entire webpage of ontariofraud.org (and also on all mirror sites referenced below) to disseminating conspiracy theories and baseless and defamatory accusations about Dr. Wilson and Ms. Barnhardt. He has doxed Dr. Wilson and Ms. Barnhardt by publishing their home address and personal phone numbers (which are not available through ordinary legal sources) to a wide audience without their consent, and inciting his audience to use that information to harass them:

  • "For the purposes of communicating with Dr Kumanan Wilson or his wife Kim Barnhardt, please direct any mail/inquiries to his registered cellular device at 613-878-7238, their shared phone at 613-728-4837, or even contact him via post at:
    490 Golden Avenue, Ottawa ON
    K2A 2E5, Canada

    Peace be with you, patriots."

This conduct is contrary to sections 22 and 264 of the Criminal Code, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46.

  • Editor: You can view the original in context at CANImmunize Inc done in response to the blatantly Goebbels level propaganda fluff piece facilitated by Dr Kumar's wifey Kimberlina entitled Implementing digital passports for SARS-CoV-2 immunization in Canada and published in the influential rag Canadian Medical Association Journal.Which publication she is also employed by, even as she is also employed by her husband's privately funded Corporate Board CANImmunize Inc.

Accordingly, by this letter, we put you on notice that the above-referenced registrant is using your service provider as a conduit for illegal conduct, and we demand that you take action to remove the offending content, specifically, Dr. Wilson and Ms. Barnhardt's home address and personal phone numbers.

  • (Editor: But also archive here)

Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated.

What follows is a list of all mirror sites associated with the IP address

Matilda Lici, Associate
SHIBLEY RIGHTON LLP Barristers & Solicitors 
250 University Avenue, Suite 700 | Toronto, Ontario  M5H 3E5
T: 416.214.5204 | F: 416.214.5404
matilda.lici@shibleyrighton.com | www.shibleyrighton.com

  • Domain Name: ontariofraud.org
    Registry Domain ID: D402200000015973377-LROR
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Killbox
  • Domain Name: brokeontario.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2534472939_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Government of Ontario Piracy Assoc.
  • Domain Name: fordkilledbusiness.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2534844357_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Government of Ontario Piracy Assoc.
  • Domain Name: makeontariobrokeagain.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2533418570_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Government of Ontario Piracy Assoc.
  • Domain Name: dougfordkilledontario.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2533416634_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Government of Ontario Piracy Assoc.
  • Domain Name: workingontario.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2534819308_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Government of Ontario Piracy Assoc.
  • Domain Name: reopeningontario.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2572081090_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: masklaw.ca
    Registry Domain ID: 85710311-CIRA
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: openontario.ca
    Registry Domain ID: 86471533-CIRA
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: iamessential.ca
    Registry Domain ID: 85921502-CIRA
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: masksickness.ca
    Registry Domain ID: 82403622-CIRA
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: littlestalin.ca
    Registry Domain ID: 82552752-CIRA
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: maddr.ca
    Registry Domain ID: 82692510-CIRA
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: masksickness.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2535129025_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: covfefebakery.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2283337170_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: henrycase.org
    Registry Domain ID: D402200000003169456-LROR
    Registrant Organization: [None]
  • Domain Name: rapingontario.ca
    Registry Domain ID: 86866305-CIRA
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: rapingontario.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2584403578_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Government of Ontario Piracy Assoc.
  • Domain Name: makeontariobrokeagain.ca
    Registry Domain ID: 82312300-CIRA
    Registrant Organization: Government of Ontario Piracy Assoc.
  • Domain Name: fordkilledmybusiness.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2535937304_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Government of Ontario Piracy Assoc.
  • Domain Name: reopeningontario.ca
    Registry Domain ID: 86097721-CIRA
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: littlestalin.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2538179233_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: bakingcovfefe.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2284641692_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: masklaw.org
    Registry Domain ID: D402200000015034491-LROR
    Registrant Organization: Covfefe Operations
  • Domain Name: unemployedontario.com
    Registry Domain ID: 2534844358_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrant Organization: Government of Ontario Piracy Assoc

You can download my shoot-from-the-hip middle-finger to the Kumar & Kimberlina v Chad Notice-of-SLAPP directly from this Covfefe Bakery Cafe or just perv the historical embed mirror'd below. Or read, share, and re-share the SEO section below. You know you want to, just fan the flames a little bit..

So yeah, I'm calling your lawyer stupid. She cannot even use the yellow pages. How much stupider can you get? But beside the point that this is all publicly available information, you have to understand that CANImmunize is acting as an Agent of the Crown.
Furthermore, if you're so upset about me calling you out on a website called ONTARIO FRAUD, then don't don't fuckin' commit fraud on the public...

Fucking idiot.

Yes, I know it's spelled Capisce, you fucking halfwit. It's called an Anglicization, something that you need to do. Learn the law in Canada, you halfwit. I've included a nice piece of satire from Matrix (cue the ad hominem troupe and further disparaging remarks as a direct consequence of Ms Lici's defamatory supposition). Enjoy the show, guys.

You needed an endorsed (by a judge of the Ontario Courts of Justice, Criminal) warrant or an order (from a judge or master sitting in the Superior Court of Ontario, Civil) in order to do what you were trying, Ms Lici.

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