Jefferey Jaxen | The Mad Dr, eh? I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Jefferey Jaxen
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Jefferey Jaxen

Jefferey Jaxen is a researcher, investigative journalist, writer and voice for health freedom on the front lines of society's shift towards higher consciousness.  Jefferey is constantly working behind the scenes to spotlight the untold, censored and under-reported stories of our time. His mission in life is to teach & empower others to take back their power and heal themselves. As a compelling writer, active researcher, and creative force his work has been catapulted into the mainstream. Jefferey has been featured in the documentary The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. His writing has been featured by RT, Natural News, InfoWars, Collective-Evolution, Waking Times, GreenMedInfo, The Truth About Cancer and countless others. Along with being a regular guest on national and international television networks and radio shows, his articles are read by tens of thousands weekly.

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