I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Voting in Auschwitz 2
Voting in Auschwitz 2.0

Remember, remember.. remember the 31st of May, and forever remember these names.

Most of these guys didn't vote, and thought they could hide from their responsibility. Personally, I'm of the belief that it should be illegal not to cast a vote, as you're not being a representative of your district. There were 36 votes in favour of renewing, and 22 against renewing. There were 65 deferrals.

If you didn't vote, you didn't do your job, at the least. The situation can be presented as one of Criminal Negligence, ideally.

Fucking ridiculous... who can guess the imperative of the Crowning Glory article that is recommended reading with this farce? Less than half the members voted (58/123, only 47.154471545%) which is reasonable grounds. Less than HALF OF THE MEMBERS VOTED!

  • Editor's Note: I'll flesh this out with their contact information, gained legally and lawfully like the post we were "sneak attacked" by Kumar & Kimberlina on the advice of their Super-Sayan counsel Matilda Lici. Move, counter-move you weak-ass pretenders.


65 Members didn't vote, or rather, chose NOT TO REPRESENT THEIR DISTRICT. NOT TO DO THEIR JOB.

  1. Teresa Armstrong
  2. Ian Arthur
  3. Robert Bailey
  4. Toby Barrett
  5. Dolly Begum
  6. Jessica Bell
  7. Rima Berns-McGown
  8. Peter Bethlenfalvy
  9. Gilles Bisson
  10. Will Bouma
  11. Guy Bourgouin
  12. Jeff Burch
  13. Raymond Sung Joon Cho
  14. Stan Cho
  15. Jill Dunlop
  16. Victor Fedeli
  17. Amy Fee
  18. Doug Ford
  19. Jennifer French
  20. Wayne Gates
  21. Goldie Ghamari
  22. Pam Gill
  23. Chris Glover
  24. Michael Gravelle
  25. Lisa Gretzky
  26. Ernie Hardeman
  27. Joel Harden
  28. Mike Harris
  29. Percy Hatfield
  30. Mitzie Hunter
  31. Laura Mae Lindo
  32. Michael Mantha
  33. Gila Martow
  34. Jim McDonnell
  35. Jane McKenna
  36. Monte McNaughton
  37. Norm Miller
  38. Paul Miller
  39. Christina Maria Mitas
  40. Judith Monteith-Farrell
  41. Suze Morrison
  42. Taras Matyshak
  43. Rick Nicholls
  44. Sam Oosterhoff
  45. Randy Pettapiece
  46. Rod Phillips
  47. Tom Rakocevic
  48. Greg Rickford
  49. Ross Romano
  50. Peggy Sattler
  51. Laurie Scott
  52. Sandy Shaw
  53. Gurratan Singh
  54. Sara Singh
  55. Donna Skelly
  56. Dave Smith
  57. Todd Smith
  58. Marit Stiles
  59. Peter Tabuns
  60. Lisa Thompson
  61. Bill Walker
  62. Jim Wilson
  63. John Yakabuski
  64. Kevin Yarde
  65. Jeff Yurek

36 members voted in favour of the extraordinary powers given to Herr Ford. They thought it saved their jobs.

  1. Deepak Anand
  2. Babikian Aris
  3. Paul Calandra
  4. Steve Clark
  5. Lorne Coe
  6. Stephen Crawford
  7. Rudy Cuzzetto
  8. Doug Downey
  9. Christine Elliott
  10. Merrilee Fullerton
  11. Christine Hogarth
  12. Sylvia Jones
  13. Logan Kanapathi
  14. Vincent Ke
  15. Andrea Khanjin
  16. Daryl Kramp
  17. Natalia Kusendova
  18. Stephen Lecce
  19. Lisa MacLeod
  20. Robin Martin
  21. Caroline Mulroney
  22. Billy Pang
  23. Lindsey Park
  24. Michael Parsa
  25. David Piccini
  26. Kaleed Rasheed
  27. Jeremy Roberts
  28. Sheref Sabawy
  29. Amarjot Sandhu
  30. Prabmeet Singh Sarkaria
  31. Kinga Surma
  32. Nina Tangri
  33. Vijay Thanigasalam
  34. Michael Tibollo
  35. Effe Triantafilopoulos
  36. Daisy Wai


Only 22 members voted against the illegal conferral of emergency authorized dictatorial powers to Doug Ford.

  1. Andrea Jill
  2. Roman Baber
  3. Stephen Blais
  4. Lueille Collard
  5. Michael Coteau
  6. Catherine Fife
  7. John Fraser
  8. France Gélinas
  9. Faisal Hassan
  10. Randy Hillier
  11. Andrea Horwath
  12. Belinda Karahalios
  13. Bhutila Karpoche
  14. Terence Kernaghan
  15. Sol Mamakwa
  16. Mike Schreiner
  17. Amanda Simard
  18. Jennifer Stevens
  19. Monique Taylor
  20. John Vanthof
  21. Jamie West
  22. Kathleen Wynne


This is fraud on the people. We need snap elections..

Brownshirts vote for Aushwitz 2.0:
Mirrored at this Covfefe Bakery cafe here.
