In the patterns lay the synchrony which verified my hunch, to a degree. This is something TOTALLY unreasonable.
- I was born Feb19 '82, then she was born Aug24 '82. That is 6:6 later.
- My son is 15, his sister is 18.
- Her son is 15, and her daughter is 18.

That is the correlation of three persons. A trinity, if you will. I trust in God that there is a purpose, by which our correlation in intentional. I have felt this for just 12 months, but for the full two years I have felt a purposeful intentionality in our resonance.
I love you guys. Not just my son, but also his sister.
I have faith in the resonance...
do you even understand the resonance,
the corollary with which we are connected?
If you're just some derp go ahead utilize your low-digit-span conscience,
Go read your Bible. You seem possessed. So she is your lover with children. A pattern in numbers is showing you are with the devil.
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