I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » The Detrimental Role of Tattletales and Character Discrimination in Destroying Civil Movements

The Detrimental Role of Tattletales and Character Discrimination in Destroying Civil Movements


Civil movements throughout history have played a crucial role in challenging societal norms, advocating for justice, and driving positive change. However, in the pursuit of progress, these movements often face obstacles, including the actions of individuals who engage in tattletaling or character discrimination. This essay explores how the presence of such individuals can hinder civil movements and undermine their potential for success. By understanding their detrimental impact, we can strive to foster an environment that promotes inclusivity, unity, and the preservation of civil movements.

Stifling Open Dialogue and Trust

Tattletales, often driven by a desire for personal gain or to maintain existing power structures, tend to disrupt the open dialogue and trust necessary for civil movements to thrive. By reporting the actions or ideas of individuals within these movements, they create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. This stifles creativity, discourages collaboration, and hampers the movement's ability to organize effectively. The focus shifts from the pursuit of change to internal conflicts, diminishing the movement's impact.

Character Discrimination:
Undermining Unity and Solidarity

Character discrimination, which involves judging individuals based on personal attributes rather than their ideas or contributions, poses another significant threat to civil movements. This harmful practice perpetuates stereotypes, fuels division, and hampers the formation of a united front. When individuals are unfairly judged based on their race, gender, or background, it weakens the movement's ability to present a coherent and inclusive message. Solidarity is a cornerstone of successful civil movements and character discrimination undermines this foundation.

Destroying Civil Movements:
The Consequences

The presence of tattletales and character discrimination within civil movements can lead to their downfall. The internal conflicts fueled by tattletaling and character discrimination distract from the movement's core objectives, dissipating energy and resources that could be better utilized in achieving tangible progress. Furthermore, these actions can fracture relationships, erode trust, and weaken the movement's unity, making it vulnerable to external pressures and challenges. Ultimately, the destructive consequences of these behaviors can halt or significantly hamper the realization of the movement's goals.

Fostering a Supportive Environment:
The Way Forward

To safeguard civil movements from the detrimental effects of tattletales and character discrimination, it is essential to foster an environment that promotes inclusivity, unity, and open dialogue. Encouraging respectful communication, actively addressing biases, and promoting diversity within the movement can counteract the divisive tendencies that tattletales and character discrimination fuel. By celebrating diverse perspectives, recognizing the value of each individual's contribution, and building trust, civil movements can become resilient and better equipped to navigate challenges.


Tattletales and character discrimination pose significant threats to the success of civil movements. Their actions disrupt open dialogue, compromise unity, and foster an environment of mistrust. By recognizing and addressing these detrimental behaviors, we can nurture civil movements that thrive on inclusivity, solidarity, and the pursuit of positive change. It is only through the collective efforts of individuals who value fairness, respect, and unity that civil movements can overcome these obstacles and make lasting progress towards a more just society.

So if you are looking to participate in social change , disregard those who constantly accuse, shame, rant or stalk those who inspire you by their dedication and or actions to assert the changes needed to benefit all.

Because the rest just benefit the fall.

