I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Chad to Tribunal re Evidence Concerns and Written Submissions

Chad to Tribunal re Evidence Concerns and Written Submissions


Dear Landlord and Tenant Board, and representatives for Medallion Corporation,

Mark Melchers, Counsel for Medallion Corporation, has produced incomplete evidence and partial testimony, and has acted in a deliberate sense to abuse the Board's processes and deny the respondents sufficient information required to make full answer and defence to the allegations.

A member of the Bar such as Mr Melchers should know full well that this kind of impropriety calls his client's entire application into question. We need to ensure that there is PROPER and COMPLETE evidence (including video recordings) on this file. The landlord does not get to pick and choose the evidence which fits its narrative. Thank-you for your anticipated reasonableness. The actions of Mr Melchers is liable to degrade the public's faith in the proper Administration of Justice by such Social Justice Tribunals as the Landlord and Tenant Board.

The Landlord has not produced the video footage from within the elevator relating to the actions of Mr Bayles, which he admits were perceived by my wife and I as aggressive verbal abuse. Nobody is going to demand that my wife put on a muzzle. Mr Bayles demanded that my wife put on a muzzle, and I defended her by saying that it is not required, as we are both exempt from the "mandatory mask rules".

The camera footage from within the car clearly shows myself gesturing to the exemptions portion of the posted notice in the elevator. This footage was not included, only the partial portion covering the events after we exited the elevator and I continued reprimanding Mr Bayles for his attempting to intimidate my wife. He chose to target her because albeit I am physically disabled, I'm a 5'9" male. My wife is a 4'9" female, and the gentler gender. Mr Bayles was quite evidently attempting to intimidate my wife, and force her to wear a muzzle.

Mr Bayles was acting with aggression towards my wife, and was unresponsive to my reasonable explanation that there are exemptions to the "Mandatory Mask Wearing Policy". Mr Bayles has no right accosting tenants with his demands that they cover their face or wear other clothing.  That is improper.

Furthermore, Mr Melchers has failed to produce the video that is referenced in Tab4:

  • On Feb 19th 2021 at 1351 hrs, the writer (Decoyda Larsen Paragon Protection LTD 10870627) was in the Security change room when the writer heard a loud male voice yell out the word and security quites this FUCK and a loud bang. The writer went out to check what had happen but did not notice anything. The writer radioed to the front deck who checked the cameras and found that at a few moments before the writer went out, there was a male who resembled 2709. Video and Pictures have been made.
    Note: The video clip involves 565 Cleaner Anna.

Full Tab in context:

I am unable to make competent defence to the allegations without the video footage and Melchers opened the door to both these videos, the Feb19 and the Apr19 videos. I am requesting that this matter be put over until Medallion's counsel produces the video and to allow myself to make competent defence to the allegations. Context matters.

Chad, Solutions Architect
Internet Security, Operations and Intelligence
Tel: +1 716-608-3531


  • Genrys Goodchild, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario
  • Dr Denis Rancourt, Researcher at Ontario Civil Liberties Association
  • Rocco Galati QC, Constitutional Rights Centre
