I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Mr HILLER to Mr & Ms OROZCO re SEXUAL ABUSE AND EXTORTION OF CHILDREN



Cc: Fr. Alexander Laschuk, JCD re Annulment of Isaac Bon Hillier and Maritza Elizabeth Orozco

Your father now goes by I believe Fausto Enrique Orozco Venegas (well that’s what he used for the Ecuador shipping paperwork) so maybe you can go live with him because it is ignoble for you to reside with and to rest with, a dirty Canadian. Furthermore, you cannot tolerate the idea of being pounded by a brutal non-Orozco body of structure and firmness.

I’m still reviewing docs, cuz I’ve got a problem with him, and I feel that it is worthy to spit in your face (metaphorically) as if you have the stupidity to prefer being a little girl satisfying your daddy by telling your husband to fuck off and what was it.. that:
"You are a horrible person.  I bet you are cheating on me, so are you now glad you can't hide it anymore?  Now you can talk to your Kathleen  or some other bitch like Kelly.  You will probably present to you son a good united family with Kathleen right?  Don't count me as family… You are dishonest and pretend that the fight is about me holding a candle to my father?"
No sweetheart, I was saying that you treat me as if I am a MONSTER compared to your father. That I am WORSE than your father and so hideous that the idea of sexual relations with your husband drives you to leave and sleep somewhere else with unknown individuals.
No, I think you treat me WORSE because I am a Horrible German Nazi compared to your Strong Latino Father. I told you directly that there was Legislation passed in 2016:
The Ontario Limitations Act was amended on March 9, 2016, to remove all limitation periods for civil claims based on sexual assault.

I informed you that avenue is available, and that our Catholic faith mandates that we protect future children by reining in the occurrence of the same SA as you experienced by your father’s abuse for a period of time up to 8 years. That number is a change to your earlier representation that he only assaulted you once.

But what did you do? The moment I informed you of that solution, you called the police on me and pressed charges of physical abuse. Why do you take offence when I state that you care more about your father than your husband? Because you SHOULD have filed charges against him, but instead you filed false charges against your husband. My wedding band was seized by the OIC on November 10th, 2022 when I was transferred from one cell of isolation to another because the officer said “I must take this off you to prevent other prisoners from physically abusing you (as I was in isolation, that was a significant threat of bodily harm if I did not comply with his orders, as the OIC in a quite unsecured room) before forcibly removing my 14-kt wedding band.

And you say I’m somehow wrong for understanding your actions to be more caring for your father than your husband? You protected him so well in response to my letting you know about the legal avenue recently opened to take that predator out of orbit, by filing false charges. You are acting ridiculous, grrl.

We are adult Christians, and it is our duty to protect future victims of other such SA developments as children.. because it is our duty and God has provided for us the ability to protect tomorrow's children. So I dunno, you’re acting strange. I need to review this and talk to someone I trust to act like an adult, because this has gone on much too long.
Anyway, I think I love you, but I evidently cannot satisfy what you want, which indicates to me why your “brother” Mr Leonidas David Orozco is your go-to man for support, because I’m not man enough for your family culture. And by the way, Kelly was telling me over 2-years-ago about this guy from Manitoba that was possibly “Mr Dean James Bauder” and using the Convoy to get access to children's meat.
Not sure how it spelled out, as I only did an accused profile for her. Apparently Bauder raped a 12-yr-old girl on several occasions because he was "in love with the girl” and she was very mature that she functioned like a 16-yr-old woman.
I dunno, that just triggered me a bit when I considered how eagerly you protected your father from the reasonable consequences of having raped his 14-yr-sold girl. But I dunno, I certainly understand that you’re being well cared for by Mr Leonidas David Orozco. You’re being cared for by a vibrant young man, who will protect you from enemies both foreign and domestic, like me. Right?
So much so, that I wrote a review of how strong this Orozco Clan is, that they cover each other’s backs no matter what. It’s revealing, the cult-like acceptance of raping children in our culture.
I sent a question to one of my partners about the message I sent you about “Consequences & Discernment” in which I reviewed the pluses and minuses of sitting back and just doing nothing when a child the same age as my son is forced to physically satisfy someone like your father. It’s an article about your choice to protect the rapist and pedophile who is your father.
I’m glad you chose to get the fuck away from my son, because I really don’t trust your “Serviced Provider” mindset where you allegedly did the most Christian thing you knew there was.. just sitting down and smiling in order to pacify the bearing of the bare fury in his pants. I’m really certain that you’re not safe to have as a parent or co-parent, because of exactly what you did in order to protect your father. I’m a father, so I really appreciate that you chose to protect the father who preserved you from your dead brother and residual mother, and simply filed false Criminal Charges against me as a threat to tell me to back off and let your daddy rest in peace, as he REALLY shouldn’t have to consider resting in pieces. Capisce?
You have no idea what you did to me, but instead just focussed on protecting your faithful family story with your father and “brother". As long as he can rely upon you to be a good little girl and not break any of his treasured chests you established and held safe for him. Remember your rights and responsibilities, for the rights and responsibilities of a 14-yr-old girl differ from a 50-yr-old woman, right?
As a child, you have the rights and responsibilities required to satisfy and secure the rights and provisions for your not only mother and father, but also your brothers and sisters, right?
However, as an adult and a woman, you have the rights and duty to protect our brethren and our children. When we married in the Roman Catholic Church in the rite of Papal Consolidation of Civic Marriage, I perceived Maritza to be 38-years-of-age and Isaac to be 29-years-of-age. Now you are acting worth the presumption that you are a 14-yr-old child with responsibilities and duties to your brother and your father, rather than your rights and responsibilities to your lawful wedded husband and our children, as my beautiful 50-yr-old woman partner for all time. Capisce?  -Isaac


Maritza my dear,
I said that you think less of me than you think of your father. Your father subjected you to SA, and you were an obedient good little Latina and were respectful of his authority.
When I criticized him and informed you about the recent legislation which actually eliminated the Limitation Period for reporting SA. When I brought you this, what did you do?
You filed charges which put me in jail for several months. Why did you do this? Because you care more about your own father than you do about your husband’s son’s father. Ergo, you act as if Fausto is a better person than Isaac. Right?
Ergo, you like me LESS THAN you like your father. Thank-you for the confirmation, as if you dislike your own father, you hate me because I said that you care less about me than you do about your father.
CSA a problem which will endanger my son and his sister. Your history could be used as a bubble to impede the tyranny of SA, but you hate the father of my son more than you hate your own father.
Is that more appropriate, my dear? I do love you, but I also love my son and feel compelled to protect him and his sister from enemies, both foreign AND domestic. Capisce?



You are a skilled liar.  You show a different side to others.  You don't show me your good side.  You hurt my right ring finger when you tried to prevent my hand from opening the door.  My hand hit the metal of the door handle.  You twist words.  My brother and I don't belong to any clan of such name.  You called me names and insulted me.   If you really loved me you wouldn't call me a liar about something I don't want to mention but which you seem to have no problem telling everyone you know.  You told Kelly Farkas, you told your mother, you told Vanessa, you told my auntand who knows who else.  You hurt me and didn't care when I needed to rest to get ready for work.  I needed to rest to recharge so I could work the next two days.  I was to work to full days at cleaning.  You caused me to sleep in the cold and injured my hand and I couldn't work for this reason.  I had to cancel the job.  You caused me loss of money, and injury to my finger.  
You like to to lie.   Let me tell you that if someone has had some bodily injury  caused on them, they won't be happy if you tell them they enjoyed it.  Something that was told in confidence you have taken and twisted to lies.  


I want to end the relationship between you and me.  You did not care for my health and safety when you acted so disrespectfully to me.  I do not accept my father as a father but you have a good father and mother, don't reject them.  My brother and me don't have any communication with our father and we don't want to, and for you to say that we were willing participants of his abuse is shocking.  My whole family suffered when we came to Canada by him, and although we had a father for those eight years in Canada we were not treated well, for you to have you say that I enjoyed sa is the last straw.  You have said this to me so many times that I enjoyed it.  You are a horrible person.  I bet you are cheating on me, so are you now glad you can't hide it anymore?  Now you can talk to your Kathleen  or some other bitch like Kelly.  You will probably present to you son a good united family with Kathleen right?  Don't count me as family.  As for my brother you insult him so much you have alienated him from our life.  Are you happy about that.  Are you happy to have me suffer on the cold indifferent streets of Toronto?  Some cabellero you are.
You are dishonest and pretend that the fight is about me holding a candle to my father?  You are mad.  You are a mean man.  Please can you gather my belongings together.  I will come with the police maybe next week.  If you could be out of the apartment for a little while so I could retrieve my belongings.  That is all I was saying in my email.  My email was not telling you to leave the apartment to me.  But you do know that I am paying for the storage unit and it is expensive.  You have mistreated me badly.   
Technically my dear, this is property of OUR union in the Sacrament of Matrimony. We’re having some sort of disagreement whereby you think that the preservation of the safety and security of your father is more important than the safety and security of my son.
That’s what it boils down to, my dear. Please just act like an adult, and stop maintaining your effectual cooperation with the thought that the father of my wife is more important to you than the father of my son. Your brother will be involved because he will be able to assist you if you actually kill or dismember me, as he’s a strong and powerful, yet sox respectable male of the Orozco clan.. I see why you held so tightly to your Orozco tramp-stamp.

Honestly, my dear. It’s a code of honour. -Isaac


Look, Isaac
Like I told you, we don't think highly of our father and I never said I did.  Stop involving my brother in our fights, because one he doesn't want to get involved in our disagreement or fights.  
You must leave the apartment so I can take out my personal belongings.  I am not interested in any justice because God has his own justice and God will be the Judge.  Please tell me that you are out of the unit.
My online time is running out.  
be quick. Thanks
