I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » SMS 10/15 — 13th Anniversary so Maritza says Goodbye!
SMS 10/15 — 13th Anniversary so Maritza says Goodbye!

If I knew you were sending me antagonistic emails, hateful stuff about your unfaithfulness--no husband should send to his wife-- I wouldn't have texted you last night. So you're trying to manipulate me, to be unfaithful to me and want me to return too. I am your wife not your concubine, or mistress. You say you love Kathleen's children more than me, so then why are you guilting me into being your wife as you say to me to come and be your wife but yet you praise the adopted mother of your child. I will not tolerate your infidelity. So an out of wedlock affair with a prostitute takes priority over your own marriage? Sex outside of marriage which produced a child and his half sister which you admit is not your biological daughter is more important than your wife and marriage. 

Your saying that I must accept these outside of marriage children as a dutiful wife. I'm not Muslim to except another women's children and have my husband manipulate me into accepting this or else you threaten that they are worth more to you than me, as a wife. I don't have any obligation to accept these children who are been used as pawns by you and Kelly to get something out of people, including me. You do have to speak with a priest for you are greatly in error.  


You are sinning greatly with infidelity when you tell me that you had bought a bottle of wine for our anniversary but that it will be a 'segue' to Kelly now. 


Kelly if you are a woman you should understand that if a man is verbally, financially and sometimes physically abusive that he is in the wrong. I had to leave because of your bullying me trying to manipulate me, he even blackmailed me by saying to me that he will go all out to expose a rape that I talking about but that I have forgiven and moved on. Around that time you started treating me bad. You would shout at me spit at me , corner me into a room and hurt my ear with you screaming insults. I've forgiven --you say you will go on attack mode against me bec I left you. You are a bully a bad example for your son. You should act you age like 42 right? I'm saying this because you keep claiming that I am not acting my age. You cherry pick what you like about Catholicism and then try to use it to hurt and insult me. You try to weaponize religion.  


You can't select some parts in the Holy Book but ignore the rest about being a Christian. You reject the sacrament of reconciliation/ confession, you are still living as a Jew would where they don't believe in forgiving enemies but still like in the Hammurabi code believed in taking people to court, not forgiving but only punishing. You have attacked the priesthood, mocked marriage, my mother, my culture and mocked Christianity.  


You pretend to be defending abuseed women but then go and abuse me in private and online. You can not choose children over a wife, speak to a priest for you are in grave sin. You treat marriage as if it were a temporary state and badmouth me to other women and to the public. You haven't apologized to me or taken the content down where you mocked me. You spread lies about me through the internet lying that I have chosen my father over you. Really I think you are in contact with him. I have nothing to do with him.  


In addition, you have watched snuff films about children been raped and killed, that is sinful! No wonder evil has entered you. You should have gone to confession after that. Why would you need to watch or read about children been raped to know that it is occurring. You then turned to me and started treating badly and telling me I enjoyed sexual relations with my father. That is a lie and you are evil to say this.  


You try to manipulate me by trying to force me to go to the police about my father or else you are not my husband that you will divorce me. Meanwhile you berate me insult me with names such as h'orozco, pedo protector, daddy's tramp, write stories mocking me that I'm in a pedo protection program, a bitch, a Latin whore, and you paint yourself as a victim. You must apologize for all this and for all your posts that insinuate or outright say that I'm with my father. You are a sick bastard, where is the Holy Spirit in you?  


Your defamatory stories that you put my name as author is also criminal and evil. You are in the company of evil people if they tell you that your behaviour is correct. I said if this is your real son I have no problem with him but you must insist on a paternity test and to see the adoption papers. You will not tell me that they mean more to you than me. Stop your emotional blackmail. If this is how you truly feel then why are you determined to bully and harass me online and with text emails and so on.  


Why haven't you stopped bullying me about what you think ought to be done with my father, what I ought to do as a wife? Stop with your assumptions as to what happened to me as a child. Stop writing lies about what you think happened. If you live like you claim to, then stop telling me that you will go sleep with another woman or Kelly after a divorce is granted and after an annulment is given to you. You are mean to think that a Catholic marriage can be tossed to the trash because someone, a scammer has caught your eye. Still you claim to be a devoted loving husband? You are insulting and most of all you offend Jesus Christ, God, and all that is holy.


There is much wrong with your behaviour. Why should I return to be a foot stool to Kelly, or to children from an ex girlfriend. Are you really serious or is something wrong with you to insult me like this? You should apologize about your behaviour and take your hateful posts down permanently. My mother and my grandparents would be ashamed of their son in law. You are full of hatred, you are unrepentant of your actions, you have addressed me with anger, disdain, blackmail, manipulation and with rudeness.  


Over these three to four past years your lack of control with your anger and hatred towards me has reached dangerous levels of abuse towards me. What is more insulting is that you have put what your hate filled thoughts and abusive words about me online. I called you and texted you yesterday missing you and I thought you were sorrowful for your actions, and words. Was I mistaken? Upon opening my email I was shocked to see your traitorous heart. Your cold disinterested, angry manipulative text last night should have prepared me for your emails but it didn't . You have greatly offended me and God.


You claim that it is in the Canadian charter of rights to permit you to write your thoughts about me. That the laws allow you to record or film or take pictures of me to put online but it isn't right when you are using this freedom of expression to hurt your wife, to put her down with insults, to manipulate, extort and blackmail.  


You have mistreated me I think that you are proud of this. You are proud of your bullying me, but you will be punished by Jesus Christ, who is a just judge.
