I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Mr HILLER to Mr & Mrs OROZCO re 'I need you, but you're a fucking moron...' #ADDENDUM

Mr HILLER to Mr & Mrs OROZCO re 'I need you, but you're a fucking moron...' #ADDENDUM

ON: June 12, 2024 at 2117EST
RE: I need you, but you're a fucking moron...    #ADDENDUM
FR: Mr Isaac Bon Hillier
TO: Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco, Mr Leonidas David Orozco
CC: Mr Isaac Bon Hillier, Ms Kelly Anne Wolfe, Freedom Lovers

  • Maritza,

    You’re a Catholic, but you’re a Catholic CHILD in this context.. ever since 2021-Jul-5 when your mum died, you’ve been paddling your childhood, just like I’m Cc’ing lovers@freedom4canada.org so you’ll understand that I only mate with adults, who’ve grown up enough to understand that they’re not some underage Latina piece of meat.

    You know the deadline is 2024-Aug-24, which is my business partner’s birthday. You can.. interpret that however the fuck you want, because this is not a negotiation. You either love you mother and your brother even your father more than you love me, right? Fucking ridiculous.


    Furthermore Ms Orozco,
    this isn’t a fucking negotiation.


  • Return to your husband as Mrs Bon Hillier, or just go fuck your daddy again as Ms Orozco.. as you love to talk shit about my business partner and how much I actually know. I really do not wish to have any type of relationship with Mr & Ms Orozco. Capisci, caro di puttana di padre?



Anonymous (not verified), Tue, 06/25/2024 - 17:48
He really hates his wife. I see a homicidal lunatic about to explode. Wife be careful. He apparently mates, he must be a neanderthal or a desinovan.