I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Pfizer Testimonial 19YO-M Greyson

Greyson's Pfizer Testimonial

Greyson (19), despite contracting [COVID-19] last year, was the first of four siblings to receive the Pfizer vaccine this May.
Once an elite level athlete, running 15+ miles a day, his afternoons are now filled with hospital visits, medical testing (MRI, EKGs, ECHO, blood draws) and expensive stem cell therapy treatments.

  • "He didn't want to do it. I thought it was best to get us back to normal. We are now facing a new normal in which my son has felt close to death, and no one can help him. He screams in pain, and feels like he's having a heart attack, and his veins are about to explode.
    I thought I was doing the right thing and I was wrong. I have felt so guilty about scheduling him for that damn thing, but I can't take it back. Had I known the risk, and if the state wasn't making it almost a social pressure to get the vaccine, I wouldn't have done it, especially since he had it last year and built some natural immunity. I've been told now by doctors that we shouldn't have done it.
    To think that colleges will require it to go back is insane after what we've been through. I can't believe colleges will force it knowing that this is occurring. Colleges (or anyone) shouldn't be able to force someone to get a vaccine."
    —Marie Follmer, mother.

