I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Mar04 COVID Fraud: +91 Cases

Mar04 COVID Fraud: +91 Cases

On March 4th, 2021 Public Health Ontario recorded that there were more newly confirmed cases than newly recovered cases, with its daily epidemiological summary (archived at Ministry of Health) as:

There are a total of 306,007 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ontario reported to date. Compared to the previous day, this represents:

  • An additional 1,250 confirmed cases
  • An additional 22 deaths
  • An additional 1,159 confirmed recoveries

This equates a net value of 1,250 - 1,159 cases, or +91 cases. For these alarming numbers, we have been forced to perpetuate a lockdown (not a lockdown, but only a "stay at home, or else" threat) to "reduce the numbers". And populate the FEDERAL QUARANTINE FACILITIES.

See the fraud yet?
I am looking for partners and associates for the launch of our
resistance to The Great Reset in Canada. If you can bring your skills
to this fight, please contact me via the Operation Brimstone form.
Into the breach, motherfuckers; I can have a foul mouth, but that is
needed. Don't like it?
Go back to sleep, I play in reality; reality is dealing dirty cards.

Why does the Government need to Stockholm the most vulnerable in our community?
Is it really "for [our] own good?"

Reportedly, Public Health Ontario has quietly increased the PCR threshold for VOC (Variants Of Covid) from 30 to 35, which will unavoidably result in an immense proportion of false positives, coupled with the fact that they are now recommending  that persons without symptoms (asymptomatic carriers, allegedly) be tested.

This includes children, who're getting sick and recovering from coronaviruses all the time. See the fraud yet?
