I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Not ALL Cops are "On Guard For Thee"

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Whatever, Enjoy yourself, and enjoy the resource while it's here, but make sure to ask at least a couple people each day why they're wearing a mask. Enter into a non-confrontational discourse, and refer them to MaskSickness or KillingOntario .
—Peace, you inglourious basterds!

Not ALL Cops are "On Guard For Thee"

Police are competent investigators and truth seekers. We are highly trained to think critically. Information drives...

Posted by Police on Guard for Thee on Thursday, February 25, 2021

Not all police however, are informed of their alleged competence.

Hrmm... just got off the phone with a Det Cst Irwin with 51 Division Toronto Police Service and he claimed that as the Wine Rack Canada is on "private property" they have full rights to remove whomever they wish, with whatever force deemed 'necessary'. Apparently the "Trespass to Property" act grants them absolute and unconditional authority if they are a leaseholder, so Wine Rack Canada can assault/abuse/injure/murder anyone on their property, because "it's private property, and we do not recognize you as a custmoer unless you're wearing a face-diaper". Makes sense, right? It's amazing how stupid this "detective" is, and so easily conditioned. Typical brownshirt. Cc: Rocco Galati Denis Rancourt

Posted by Chad W. Testes on Monday, February 22, 2021
