I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Ontario COVID numbers don't justify second lockdown

Ontario COVID numbers don't justify second lockdown

Toronto, Peel, and Ottawa are locking back down following a spike in COVID-19.

After 939 new cases were added to our total of just over 57,000, Premier Doug Ford announced he was shutting it all back down — bars, indoor dining, gyms, theatres and most other indoor-based businesses. Because who cares about mental health, exercise, or socializing with friends?

My criticism of the lockdown might sound harsh if you didn't have all the information you needed. After all, a monumental spike in cases means we need to batten down the hatches or else it could be a total catastrophe... right?

But after analyzing the technical details, I found that the cases in intensive care has barely moved — around 50 for the entire province. That's 50 people for almost 400 hospitals. Yet for some reason, Doug Ford is shutting down businesses again for another 28 days. 

Ford has even invested more money into healthcare, but after giving billions of dollars to increase capacity, and increasing healthcare staff wages significantly, Ontario hospitals are now laying off nurses citing “financial challenges.”

Hmm that's weird, they've stopped elective and sometimes life-saving procedures to make way for COVID patients, but there aren't enough, so now we have to give them more money to clear the backlog of people waiting for treatments.

Funny how that works.

Previously, I told you about how a COVID “case” doesn't actually mean someone has tested positive. If you're looking for a better definition from the government, you're in for a wait. They just say the word outbreak, case (and business) closed.

But now, there are new reports coming out that in addition to cases not being cases, and deaths from months ago being added to current tallies, we are now learning that the death count for Ontario actually includes people who didn't die from COVID-19.

Many people knew this already, but they were called “conspiracy theorists.” 

Toronto’s associate medical officer of health says “...individuals who have died with COVID-19, but not necessarily as a result of COVID-19, are all included in the case counts for COVID-19 deaths in Toronto.”

That means someone could have died from pre-existing conditions, in a car accident, falling off a cliff, or spontaneously combusting — if they had COVID at the time, they'd be counted as a COVID death.

While gym, bar and restaurant owners have their businesses ruined over inflated numbers, hospitals and school boards rake in the money. Your money. You don't get to decide where your tax dollars go anymore and apparently neither do the people you voted for.

This has become a joke. Doug Ford is quickly losing the support of the public, and anyone who took him seriously.
