I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Children are dying, you idiots

Children are dying, you idiots

In an emotional statement, Dr Bodo Schiffmann reports that a third child has just died in Germany due to masks.
Anyone who remains silent now is an accomplice to the deaths of children. Thanks to CounterPropaganda for the English subtitles.

In an emotional statement, Dr Bodo Schiffmann reports that a third child died in Germany due to masks.

There are two additional videos related to this case which have been posted here:

  1. https://bluecat.live/video/57/dr-bodo-schiffmann---update-on-3rd-child-who-allegedly-died-by-mask?channelName=BluecatLive_5f69cefb2b200
  2. https://bluecat.live/video/59/dr.-yves-oberdo%CC%88rfer---children-s-breathing-is-not-comparable-with-adults?channelName=BluecatLive_5f69cefb2b200

We have transcribed the 2nd one above in full, so you can read the text in English as he speaks in German. And there is also an article relating to the 3rd child who appears to have been a 13 year old girl who died. See below:

Here is the text added to the 2nd video with a link to the article (in German). 

The Karlsruhe Public Prosecutor's Office has ordered new investigations to be carried out after the death of a student on a school bus in Sudpfalz.

Further investigations after the death of a student in Jockgrim

Jockgrim/Germersheim - The public prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe has ordered further investigations after the sudden death of a schoolgirl in a school bus in the Southern Palatinate. This was reported by SWR. Last week, the 13-year-old girl collapsed in a school bus near Jockgrim and died a little later in a Karlsruhe hospital.

Weitere Untersuchungen nach Tod einer Schilerin in Jockgrim

Article link:

