I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Mrs OROZCO to Mr HILLIER re nil

Mrs OROZCO to Mr HILLIER re 'nil'

ON: June 14, 2024 at 0104EST
RE: re re
FR: Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco
TO: Mr Isaac Bon Hillier
FW: Ms Kelly Anne Wolfe 

  • this message is still true since you still sign of with her name too:

    Are you all right in the head?  What are you talking about?  I am telling you to pay the rent that the landlord is upset and you are telling lies to your crook friend.  Are you really sick or what?  You have the nerve to write to my brother that your adulteress is your partner in crime.  Both of you have been dishonest with me.  Your history for been a criminal.  You took my identity and used my credit cards while I was away, you didn't even ask to use my cards and you made it seem like I was paying to Covfefe Bakery.  Do you hear yourself?  You took money from my credit card when you know that I have no money left after paying for the storage unit.  You put me into debt and you tell her i am crazy?  Really. Sucio perro traisonero, con tu puta, Dios los pagara con justicia.  Maldito sean los dos.  Bastardos.


    You are behaving very dishonestly.  You are both charged with fraud of 10 000 + then.  Since you are refused to disconnect from that Hungarian gypsy witch and disconnect her name from your independent ontario, you have paid for all its maintenance, she just took our money so what is this weird connection with her.  I really feel that i should take both of you to court.  You have managed to con Kim, Myself, the church, the priest who married us, you can not fool God.  The God almighty should strike you dead for what you have done. 

    You have admitted to have formed a relationship with her because is was your back up plan in case I left you.  This is still called infidelity.  Honestly I will report you to the police now that you show me that you are her are in on this fraud.  I have no choice. 



Anonymous (not verified), Sat, 06/15/2024 - 10:44
Now you've revealed your name Isaac Bon Hillier, I was trying to find out who was behind covfefe, thanks all those months during COVID telling us maskers that we were crazy. Guess you showed us who is the crazy one and abuser.
Isaac, Sun, 06/16/2024 - 00:37
Do you think I didn't understand the price of allowing my mask to come off? Believe me, it was just general comsec protocol. If you read the entire substance, this has not been a short spiel.

Since the death of Mar's mum on Jul05 '21, she has been absent from our Sacrament of Holy Matrimony at a 20% (1/5) absentia rate. That is NOT reasonable, especially if you actually love your spouse.

Do you understand the minutia?


There are plenty of articles examining the development and studying the intricacy. But whatever, most of you are just simple drewtard.com actors who don't understand the context and efficacy.
Isaac, Sun, 06/16/2024 - 00:39
Do you think I didn't understand the price of allowing my mask to come off? Believe me, it was just general comsec protocol. If you read the entire substance, this has not been a short spiel.

Since the death of Mar's mum on Jul05 '21, she has been absent from our Sacrament of Holy Matrimony at a 5% absentia rate. That is NOT reasonable, especially if you actually love your spouse.

Do you understand the minutia?


There are plenty of articles examining the development and studying the intricacy. But whatever, most of you are just simple drewtardzero.com actors who don't understand the context and efficacy.