I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » Email to Krista Young-Wells

Email to Krista Young-Wells

Dear Ms Young-Wells et al re File No. 107/22,

I'm writing at this moment with the direct question about Ms Kristen A. Ley and her ability to comprehend and ambulate the procedural restrictions of Justice Matheson declared in the utterance and re-declaration by Donna Greson on March 21st, 2023 at 1109EDT in which it was clarified that:

  • The appellant "Mr. Chad" has requested accommodation in order, as put in his email, that he and his wife not be harassed or subject to malevolent actions at their court hearing.

    Please be advised that the panel of judges conducting the hearing will ensure that it is conducted in an appropriate fashion.  If you have any concerns at the hearing, you may raise them with the panel.

Now, I'm still in recovery from the substantial trauma I inferred between October 6, 2022 thru December 13th, 2022 but even I can recognize someone signalling to change lanes in order to incapacitate my performance and situation in the human condition. Would you PLEASE play appropriately, Ms "Human Rights Lawyer"? Please look up the term "subjugal tyranny" before your next move.

  1. https://henrycase.org/public-service-announcement/2023/05/15/subjugal-tyranny
  2. https://henrycase.org/registry/2021/02/25/medallion-corporation-notice-on-notice-of-eviction
  3. https://henrycase.org/registry/2023/03/09/re-medallion-corporation-vs-tenants-file-no-107_22
  4. https://henrycase.org/commentary/2022/07/19/sherman-estates-motion-and-motion-without-notice-2022aug12

Honestly, do you not understand the moral incompatibility of your present actions with your alleged "Human Rights Tribunal" and made such claims as "Harassment isn’t part of the job". By attacking a 5'9" disabled man for verbally protecting his wife from the verbal extortion of an allegedly disabled male "victim" towards my 4'9" wife. This complainant, on video at his door, informed the investigating officers that his criminal complaint is simply because he doesn't like the fact that my wife is legally and lawfully unable to wear a muzz.. err, face mask.. because of this allegedy disabled male "victim" and his belief that everyone MUST wear a muzz.. err, mask.. in order to make him feel competent.

You would do well to converse with other Cohen Highley actors about the fallacy of not playing by the rules. I think that Mark can help enlighten you about the impropriety of your actions. And, do you really have the nerve to claim that you're well equipped to protect the disabled men and immigrant women from legal ignorance? There was a very applicable reason that Melchers left the firm, right?

  • "Justice Matheson directs that there be a case conference to address the status of the exchange of court materials and any related scheduling issues."`

What on earth happened to reasonability in gameplay? Honestly.. I'm requesting an IMMEDIATE case conference to address the status of the exchange of court materials and any related scheduling issues.

  • Parties are to upload their materials to CaseLines as soon as possible. A separate bundle has been created for the in writing motion.
        Please advise the court once the materials have been uploaded.

To clarify, I NEED immediate assistane with the legal and lawful process of effective defence. Why? Because everyone is ignoring my statement of my suffering unlawfully before the Province of Ontario. Plese stop ignoring me as I attempted to prevent my wife from being verbally assaulted/abused by an adversely unintelligent/ignorant tenant who cannot even read the fact that our legal and lawful exemptions were specified in the elevator when he attempted to verbally abuse my partner whom albeit protected by myself (also exempt to the muzzl.. err, mask mandate.. is actually a foot shorter than her husband and of the polite type) has created such a confabulatory cycle that we were being evicted for my actually understanding the rules and their explicitly declared exemptions.

Please confirm receipt of this communication in no more than 72-hrs by telephone to 437-553-2224 and email to chad@henrycase.org such that we are reasonably able to reduce the target value of a reasonable settlement. 

  • Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world and is in accord with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as proclaimed by the United Nations;
  • And Whereas it is public policy in Ontario to recognize the dignity and worth of every person and to provide for equal rights and opportunities without discrimination that is contrary to law, and having as its aim the creation of a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and worth of each person so that each person feels a part of the community and able to contribute fully to the development and well-being of the community and the Province;
  • And Whereas these principles have been confirmed in Ontario by a number of enactments of the Legislature and it is desirable to revise and extend the protection of human rights in Ontario;


Thank-you, and God Bless. Good luck on your understanding of the Rules. That is a reasonable expectation and subsequent request. Please comply.

Mr Henry Case, for Chad & Stacy
Tel:        +1 437-553-2224

