I'm getting MADDR about your restriction on my freedom of conscience... » ISAAC to ARCHDIOCESE OF TORONTO re ANNULMENT of Mr BON HILLIER and Ms OROZCO


Isaac and Kelly do NOT approve of the accommodation of Pedophiles in need of healthy living circumstances. Furthermore, if you DARE to disrespect and/or threaten his son or her adopted daughter.. ask my ex-wife, as she's a DEVOUT PEDO-PROTECTOR.

Let it burn, bitch.

ON: January 24, 2025 at 1607EDT
RE: Re: Situation Update Explanation re: 5K
FR: Mr Isaac Bon Hillier
TO: Mr Isaac Bon Hillier, Ms Kelly Anne Wolfe, Fr Alex Laschuk


Fr Alex Laschuk re Annulment of Mr Bon Hillier and Ms Ho’rozco
Mrs Kelly-Anne Bon Hillier

The following communication is a representation and/or partial misrepresentation of the facts as reported and submitted to the writer, just like a lil bitch who claims her daddy raped before marriage, but then 14.5 years later is claiming that she ABSOLUTELY CONSENTED to fuck her daddy for the purposes of her Mother due to a prolapsed hysterectomy or other such bullshit.
Maritza just needs to satisfy and protect the choice and taste of her Fr Fausto Enrique Orozco (DOB-1939Jan16) until as she swore death does part Mr Orozco from Ms Orozco.



I’m sorry that you were offended by my reaction to the unreported and irresponsible regard my Wife had for her choice to prefer fucking her father over lying with and making love to her husband. She’s a fucking moron, and I understand that you don’t approve of how I’m dealing with.. b ut she’s as threat to my son and Anne’s daughter, both of who have been reasonably understood as adopted by the Wolfe.
I orchestrated the trigger of my security protocols by "Kelly ANNE Wolfe acting like my ex (the mother of my son) "Kathleen ANNE Williams in so many probabilistic dimensions that I chose to drift her grift, if you will.. because you had a hint of how complicated I was when I was in the legal battle with ICBC.
I’ve gotten MUCH more informed and just a wee bit more patient… you remember how funny it was as I danced with ICBC and PGTBC in the courts and on the field, right?
I identified Kel as my quasi doppelgänger early on, and employed a test of qualifications (she will remember when I spoke to her about the shrill who stole about $2,500 regarding her car from her.. I informed about the significance of Theft Over $5,000 and Fraud Over $5,000) and basically required her tacit approval to fucker her over with my lawfare protocol repertoire.
In the context of war, lawfare consists of ‘abusing’ the law by using it as a tool to gain an advantage against an enemy. Of course, the problem cannot be just using the law as a tool of war. If you ‘fight through the law,’ you invite an impartial third party into the conflict and an abstract standard to adjudicate it. The third party may not be fully impartial, the standard may not be valid for all parties involved, and the legal decision may not be enforceable. Still, even with all these deficiencies, it seems better than bare force. The whole purpose of international humanitarian law and international criminal law is to replace the language of power with the language of the law, not to make self-interest and a nation’s abusive behavior disappear. The law will not end conflict or political struggles but perhaps alter the mechanisms through which these are pursued.
As Judith Shklar persuasively argued, law —and particularly international law— has always overlapped with power. Yet law and power are not the same. Law has its own logics and ideology, which differ from brute force. It may be naïve to think, for example, that wars can be regulated by law and that there can be such a thing as a “just war.” But it does not follow that law cannot contribute to making wars shorter and less bloody; and the way in which law can do this is by being an instrument that can be used strategically.

See full article in the Criminal Law Review at https://crimlrev.net/2024/10/28/in-defense-of-lawfare-rocio-lorca/ and try to understand that.. Kelly is either screwed by Rex’s lex lethal, or Isaac’s bulbus glandis. She’s Fark’d either way, it just is up to her whether or not she will enjoy the ride.. does she ride with Rex, or does she ride with Isaac?

Kelly, just don’t be stupid like my other bitch Ms HO’ROZCO, darling.. You know that we’ll be good riders together, but you have attachment problems because of our children. I’m your partner this time, and both of our children are important to me not just my son. My bitch stole 15 years of time I could have had with our children… your ADOPTED CHILDREN but that makes you MUCH MORE ESSENTIAL. Because you CHOSE to be with my son and his sister. Therefore, I love you, but I still have a LOT of baggage from my wife’s lover for her pedophile child rapist father, Fr FAUSTO.

In 1987 Ms HO'ROZCO was a 14 years of age and Mr HILLIER was 5 years of age. Fr HO'ROZCO was 48 years of age. The Age of Consent in ’87 was 14 years of age, and as Ms HO’ROZCO did NOT file the required Criminal Complaint regarding the allegedly Non Consensual or Otherwise Forcible Sexual Activity, therefore it is ONLY REASONABLE and LEGAL upon review. Just try to understand that you’re BOTH GOING TO PURGATORY BITCH as to declare the fuckfest of daddy with his short and his Hot Latina HO’ROZCO Bitch of the year to be MUTUALLY CONSENSUAL is a fucking ABSOLUTE SIN YOU BITCH.

This was NOT as you purported in the verbal discussion regarding the incident which Mr HILLIER had with Mrs HO’ROZCO and Ms HO’ROZCO. No wonder you kept your fuck daddy's last name you lil bitch.. you’re the WHORE of Fr FAUSTO to SATISFY and PROTECT him as your Alpha until death do you part, bitch —you’re FAUSTO’S BITCH FOREVER. I informed you that Kelly was my backup that I can actually trust for OUR MERGER not you and your daddy’s incestuous coupling. You were of age, you fucking whore.
Therefore, your pressing false charges against me on October 6th, 2022 thru December 13th, 2022 for a 69 day detention which resulted in my wedding ring worth over $5,000 was confiscated and not returned by a member of staff at Toronto South Detention Centre was the LAST STRAW. Because you’re a fucking HO'ROZCO daddy fucker and daddy protector..
You CANNOT “forgive my father who art NOT on the Ontario Sex Offender Registry (OSOR) or  rapist his sins of raping me his daughter” because you’re not God, you stupid fucking WHORE and IDIOT. GO TO HELL YOU FUCKING PEDOPHILE DADDY FUCKER. 
A recent Maclean’s investigation uncovered a long list of serious flaws in Canada’s three-year-old sex offender registry. Hundreds of rapists and pedophiles are missing. Hundreds more were never added to the system in the first place. In this web exclusive, macleans.ca provides a region-by-region breakdown of all the shocking problems—and all the warnings that the federal government continues to ignore. (Click here for a timeline of the registry and its embarrassing state.)
Canada’s national sex offender registry was created for one reason: to help police locate potential suspects. If a child goes missing, investigators can search the database for known pedophiles who live in the surrounding postal codes. If a stranger rapes a woman, police can input her attacker’s description and scan for matches. “What the registry does is eliminate the three months it used to take to find out what offenders live in the neighbourhood,” says Glenn Woods, a retired RCMP officer who helped build the system. 


You Ms HO’ROZCO have wasted 15 years of my life with your lie that you had raped by your father, as you now admit that it was ABSOLUTELY CONSENSUAL and that you care MORE for your Father who satisfied you sexually by training you as a lil Hot HO’ROZCO Latina from Ecuador.
We’re annul’d, either reasonably slowly or the quick termination. JUST FUCK OFF YOU LIL HO’ROZCO piece of PEDOPHILE PREFERRED MEAT N’ GRATE, THEN TASTE. Kelly is my partner this time.. because she actually understands that it is unsafe to attack the CHILDREN of Isaac and Kelly… even though she adopted, that makes so much MORE THAN YOU. You protect your pedophile father Mr Fausto Enrique Orozco Venegas (DOB-1939Jan16)  Capische?
For fuck sake.. you’ve carried his last name with PRIDE even though I fucking begged you to take my last. I guess you only comply with rapist Latinos, right? You fucking HO’ROZCO PIECE ODF HOT LATINA MEAT.
He’s not really yours, bitch...

HILLIER & FARKAS, Co-Chief Executive Officers
Independent Ontario Advocacy Group / Canadian Democratic Defence Association
»— 6:6 —«
    Cel:        +1 437-553-2224 (Him) & +1 647-514-5021 (Her)
